Unique and captivating educational books for your child.

Social and emotional literary tools to help educate and elevate the mindset of adolescents.


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Why Choose Us?

I would like to thank everyone for choosing my literary website as a source of purchasing fun, wonderfully illustrated and thoughtfully written books. I take pride in providing educational works of art that helps adolescents mature in the most sophisticated way. As I grow as a company, I will make it a necessity to create more books in various languages to spread the enjoyment of reading from a more diverse perspective. 

"Learning is earning. Without it, we starve!"

About Us

P.j. Myles

store owner

This book was created to tackle the social issues of early childhood learning and development skills. It exploits the social ills amongst children and how they interact with one another when adults are not present. This book is an educational tool for kids and even adults to instill correct morals and positive character traits in adolescents. In concluding this synopsis, I believe that if people take the time out to really study different ways in solving this ugly battle that we face everyday with our youth. The nation and eventually the world be full of more courteous, respectful and articulate individuals that cherish the true meaning of life!Thank you for your consideration in allowing my gift to be giving to those who need it the most!